
by SplitSided   Dec 15, 2004

The lies that you said about me spread.
People were listening to every word you said.
I never thought it would come to this.
Was there something that I missed?
All you cause me is pain.
From that there is nothing to gain.
You are the cause of all my hurt.
You are the reason of my burns.
Everyone points and the laugh.
And to you it will pass.
Well I wish I could say the same.
Because to you this is all a game.
Well I don't play nice anymore.
All of your rules are on the floor.
I'm taking this joke into my hands.
I'm not going to give you a second chance.
Your jokes cut my skin like knives.
I can't trust you past your lies.
You are that impotent failure in my eyes.
And with that I wait to see your world as it dies.
But to me it's no surprise.
So here I wait to explode.
Here I wait to unload.
All this stress.
All of this mess.
That you have caused.
From which you pointed out my flaws.
In your mind I'm the joke you have chosen.
In my mind this HATRED remains frozen...


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