Loving you, not loving you

by ~*BlueBerryBtch*~   Dec 15, 2004

Sometimes i regret loving u, remembering all of the pain u've put me through.
but then at times i cant forget all of the good times I've had with u.
u mean so much to me, but i guess i should let u be free.
u hurt me, but i hurt u more, and now ur love for me is very poor.
u don't care about me u called her instead of me, when I'm the one who cares more about u, cant u see?
she cant love u like i do, she doesn't even care about u.
so why are u with her when we're the ones who should be together?
never mind f uck this shit! but just know that I'll always love u forever....

~~** Kind of weird poem,... i know but hey, I'm just expressing the way i feel. let me know what u guys think**~~


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  • 20 years ago

    by Browneyes

    hey sandy i accidently sent you a complain but i praise you sorry it was an accidently thank for sticking up for me