A Poem for All of Those I Hate

by Lipton   Dec 15, 2004

Written with a pen,
Sealed with a fist,
I thought we were friends,
So answer me this:
Do you care,
Or do you not?
You've said "Yes" before,
But I think you forgot.
So tell me now,
And tell me true,
So I can say,
"Screw you!"
Of all the "friends"
I've ever met,
You're the one,
I want to forget.
If you die,
Before I do,
Just go to Hell,
So I can be rid of you.

~I don't think I genuinely feel this way about anyone in particular. I was just writing one of my other poems, and the original of this poem popped into my mind, so I decided to change the other one to fit a different scenario~

– Thomas Brooks ©


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  • 20 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    Hey, I never saw that one coming. It is a well written poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Sierra Rae

    This was another great poem by you. I have been wanting to write one like that just for people that make me mad in general but can't ever find a way to put it...so good job in the writing!! KIU!!

    --Sierra Rae

  • 20 years ago

    by Unseen Exposure

    I actually really liked this write. I thought it was good. Short, but sweet.

  • 20 years ago

    by It Itty

    I'll admit, I was suprised--but not really too suprised when I read it. I agree with Daniel, there are some people that just get your blood boiling. I'll ttyl!

  • 20 years ago

    by [Neon/] ©

    wow... i agree... its really mean! but i like it! ^_^ haha. had you there for a second, didn't i? Bre says that she didn't know you had that in you... i think she's crazy... =P
    <3 moi