A Poem for a Friend (Don't Give Up)

by Leah20   Dec 16, 2004

She's sitting on the floor
Doing what she's done too many times before
I stand over her watching as she cries
I feel so helpless
I don't want to make the wrong move
I just want her to pull through
Watching my friend, as tears stream down her face
Wishing that there was something
That I could do to make all her pain be erased
Watching her sobbing figure
I give in too
I tell her that
I wish that there was more I could do
I would accept all the pain she feels
Onto myself, if I could
But I can't
I want to help her,
To make her pain go away
I have to make her see
That we all want her to stay
I don't want to lose her
I'm afraid that she's going to take her life
I'm scared about the things she does
When in her hand, she holds her knife
She's shown me her scars
And they're far worse than I had anticipated
I have to make her see
That by all people she is not hated
I need you to stay
I don't know what would happen if you left
I worry about you night and day
I'm really starting to get stressed
Please stop doing these things
I want you to get better
You have to pull through
You have to


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Nici

    The last line in this poem seems to be open ended which adds to the emotions in the rest of this piece. An interesting read.

    Keep Writing

  • 19 years ago

    by Maddie

    This poem was very well written and touching. I can relate to the feeling of not knowing what to do when a friend is in need.. good work

  • 20 years ago

    by *~*Soldier Lover*~*

    so very sad and touching with a slight hint of desperation, great poem.
    *~*Soldier Lover*~*

  • 20 years ago

    by Amberlee

    Reminded me of a friend of mine. She won't let me help her get through it. It makes me :( sad. Way to go.

  • Can totally relate my best friend cuts herself