Fake Smile...

by SplitSided   Dec 16, 2004

You all torment me with ridicule.
Try to make me feel miniscule.
You laugh at me.
But still I pretend not to see.
I laugh along.
Even if I know that it is wrong.
You think it's all fun and games.
To call me names.
Talk behind my back.
But patiently I will wait to attack.
Your words cut me like knives.
Soon I will make a mark on all of your lives.
You laugh at him.
Your words cut his skin.
You cut and tear him down.
Still he stands there without making a frown.
At night he crys.
At night his self-esteem dies.
Still you laugh.
Thinking it will pass.
Here he lies dead on the ground.
All because you were messing around.
Laughter has caused his death.
Now he lies here to rest.
You have created a hatred.
And now his life is wasted.
You spread rumors and lies.
But nothing is seen through his eyes.
You thought it was funny then.
But I can't let it happen again.
Still I laugh once in awhile.
Still I wait to attack waiting with my fake smile...


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  • 19 years ago


    this poem is excellent