Lost in thought...

by SplitSided   Dec 16, 2004

You once told me that we could be friends.
And right there my thought of you ends.
You crushed me thoughtless.
Leaving my thoughts of you a total mess.
But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Even when you meant the world to me.
I can't change how you feel.
I can't make our love real.
In life I only wanted one thing.
One thing.
Now I will wait to see what time will bring.
Only left to make believe.
Only left to dream.
You were all I wanted.
Now in my dreams is where I am left haunted.
I told you how I felt.
You denied me and left me to melt.
I listened to what you had to say.
With disbelief I turned away.
I was in love with you so much.
And then you left me crushed.
I would give anything to be with you.
But that's something that nobody knew.
I had so much to say.
But it was all lost that night and next day.
You turned me down.
Threw me to the ground.
I thought of you.
Dreamed of you.
And now there's nothing left but hopes that you'll come back.
But the more time goes on they go black.
Sometimes in my dreams visions of us is what I see.
I wish I could show how much this hurts me.
Now nothing is what I've got.
You are all I want.
And now I'm lost in thought...


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