You are My Everything

by Libby M   Dec 17, 2004

You are my everything

You are my everything and that is what I want you to know
I will seek desperately to find what comforts me, but I know
I will find nothing in the places I’ve searched , Because I know that
In your eyes lays all of my smallest needs .
And I know when I will look deeper into your eyes, I will see that
All of my needs are met...
For darling, In your eyes
I see how you are simply my everything.

I have longed for you for so long and time has tortured my soul,
But time came through for me, for time taught me a lesson, a lesson
To never forget-Patience.
I would stay up long hours talking to God,
I talk about you and about my feelings for you...
Time after time, I hear a voice whisper clearly to me,
Be patient Child, He’s become Your Everything.

You are my everything, and I pray to be Your everything too.
I remember the time I had with you and the Memories fill my heart
With love and Joy, Gladness and Joyfulness .
When I hear your voice, it’s sounds like an angel speaking,
Humming a sweet song, a song dedicated only to me.
When I see your face,-Oh! nothing can describe what it does to me.
All I know when I see you, is that before me stands
My Everything.

I don’t want to live with regret, I don’t want to live a day without expressing
What I feel, or avoid someone I care about,
Or hold back words, because maybe, just maybe
He won’t reciprocate.
We all deserve to hear the truth, whether it hurts or, not.
So speak truth to me, and answer me...
Am I ever going to be your everything ?
Tell me, even if it hurts.

With few words that you can give to me to answer my question,
It will bring peace and comfort to my soul...Even if the words
End up piercing my very deep beating heart.
I know I will always stand firm with truth out in the open
That yesterday, and tomorrow you will always have a piece of me-
But today, I know for certain you have all of me...
And that today,
you are my Everything...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Libby, WOW! Just so heartfelt! I know where you're coming from, that's for sure. I have never read such beautiful words and all the sweetest behind them. God bless your sweet soul, and I hope you find true happiness and get the one that means this much to you. lol

  • 20 years ago

    by Libby M


    You are just about the sweetest guy...honestly you are. Your words meant a lot to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and the time to comment. I really do appreciate it. God Bless.

  • 20 years ago

    by Harry Bryant

    nice write Libby, you have some sweet ideas inside you, It sounds to me like you write about real life happenings too you, and the way you express them, leaves the reader no doubt that your are such a loving, caring person, and have been hurt, and expect to be hurt again. it well may happen, but you have an inner strength that will help you survive, and soon that soulful love will come charging into your life and you will wonder why you ever let anyone else cause you to have heartache, this new love will be your everlasting love. then you will be able to write new poem about the happiness that you have found. so if and when you get hurt, you have many friends here and we will all do our best to help you through any trying period you may have. hope santa was good too you, Harry Bryant