Turning away...

by SplitSided   Dec 17, 2004

Dimming light.
All becomes night.
Nothing left to say.
There is no more light of day.
It's all black.
This cold feeling comes back.
Darkness enters our state of mind.
Darkness takes them one at a time.
Darkness leaves my place of peace.
It leaves and my moment of happiness begins to freeze.
When I am truly alone.
When I am on my own.
That feeling I can't get enough.
Then the dimming light flares up.
Darkness leaves as it came.
Darkness will come back as the light and dark change.
As I sit there the darkness will surround.
Sit there in the light without making a sound.
Patiently waiting.
For that moment of peace that I am craving.
You are covered in the Darkness with so much to say.
Yet I find you looking at my light and turning away...


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