My mark on the world...

by SplitSided   Dec 17, 2004

Time has made us all change.
It's made us rethink our ways.
Time guides us by the wrist.
But it's friendship that points out what we could have missed.
I don't know where I'd be without my friends.
As I look back on how my life twists and bends.
I look at the mistakes I made.
And hope that the memories never fade.
From the introduction and the years past.
To the memories we made last.
4 friends destined to go far.
Challenged to raise the bar.
In my life that's what I plan to do.
Someone once told me that it starts with you.
So I kept that in mind.
And my dreams and thoughts began to grind.
With my friends I can face anything.
So with my friends I'll see what time has to bring.
My friends feed the fire that burns inside of me.
That fire sets my untamed mind free.
With that said.
I wait to see what lies ahead...


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