I know u’ll b standing there!

by Mansi   Dec 17, 2004

Down d memory lane I looked There I saw I had him always booked
Though I never was so sure
Thought some day his love might turn sour
because deep down there,my heart I could not cure

Could not cure d broken pieces
That is why now it always ceases
Ceases to grow fonder
& pleases my emotions not to surrender

The more it stops,d faster it beats
Carrying unconsciously on trembling feats
Do not know what it wants,do not know going where
Still deep down somewhere I know u’ll b standing there!

Down d memory lane I see U were always my world’s key
Though I never was so sure
But I know its U whom it wants 2 lure

U gave my life a meaning…
A meaning ….that I no longer stare
No longer at my life I stare
& no longer about d past I care

because I got U & no more pain will now dare
Dare 2 touch my happiness I swear
Now on earth ,everything I can bear
bcause I know u’ll always b standing there

Deep down d memory lane i looked,
Time told me \'this was d guy to whom u were to b hooked\'
though it did not take years for my heart to realise
just that I was stunned to see such a beautiful sun-rise.

mornings were not meant for me
days just flee not letting even a blink
but as soon as i got him, time began to shrink
wishing to capture every moment ,
nothing left now to think.

Please comment,this is my 1st poem ..


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Wow this is extremly beautiful. You should write more hun. You have a gift. keep it up. Shanik

  • 20 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    heeey...! i liked the poem alot! i like the idea too cuz its sorta different than alot of other love poems...GOOd JOb!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    Hi! Mansi. Nice poem, shows dedication for your love. Keep iit up, I'd like to see more of your work.