Abandon Me Please!

by Angel Sanctuary ©   Dec 18, 2004

I wanted to love you
But you ignored me
And you never said hello
Have you forgotten the fun we had?
Have you forgotten all the times we laughed together?

I wanted to be yours
But nothing would of let that be
All I could do was to dream
I don’t want to dream anymore
I miss you and your smile
My heart cries everyday for you

I want to run away with you
Were no one will care
Because I just want to hold you close
And not have to fear everyone else
But it’s too late you have finally left

I don’t know where you are
I don’t know where you went
I don’t know if we would have ever been
If I had one last chance to tell you
Tell you everything I didn’t say
I would yell them to the world
So everyone will know how I feel
Including you

My mind has given up
Because you have messed me up
I want to move on but my heart won’t let go
I want to forget everything about you
I want to pretend you never existed
You torment me with your smile that lingers in the shadows

I’m tired of feeling this unsatisfied love for you
Yet as hard as I indulge myself with other men
I still am left thinking about you
When I enjoy the company of so many
I still see you in the back of my mind
Your lingering spirit won’t leave me alone

As much as I want to forget you
I will always love you
Even if the pain you cause me lasts forever
I’ll always remain in love with you
No matter how hard it is to cope
This love will never abandon me
I just love you way too much


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  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Wow. great write hun...marvelous work =) as always...very emotional...It'll be okay hun...Just hold on pelase...love you girl *hug* <333 hope to talk to you soon.


  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Snow queen~*

    this is a great poem! its like sumthing people go through all the tyme and u said it greatly! keep up the good work! take care and stay strong.

  • 20 years ago

    by troubled

    omg i sooo feel that way for this one guy! thats a really good poem!

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