Captivity is NOT CaptivatinG^^ Part 1

by Mustardhart   Dec 18, 2004

This is pretty long, i will love you read it through, if you have the patience, i believe it will payoff to know what most of us face. Thanks for reading.

Captivity is not captivating,’ I could hear them say
‘How can we sing a new song in a strange land?
How can we sing hosannas in a depraved condition?
How can we be inspired in chains with the slave masters’ whip?”
Sitting along the shoreline
Can watch the wave-crest foam
Could see the sediments brought from yonder land
Can watch the flakes blown by the wind
In chains they watch,
In pains they crave
In captivity that is not captivating.
Can’t find a hallowed note,
Could not find an anthem.
That victory song
That which arouses the Lion of Judea
Captivity has held that captive
Captivity has laid bare the treasures.
The old landmark of ancient faith lost to defeat
What is so left?
What remains?
Only hot tears,
Only regrets,
Only sorrow
Only longing
Only brokenness, in their hand-me down rebellion.
Only hot tears and a longing heart, to be home
To sing,
To sing once again the songs of Zion
The song they once detested..
May be not detested, but;
Watered down,
Played around with.
Now reality has met stiff neck one-on-one
Genuine love and devotion suddenly ‘born again’
“How can we sing the Lord’s song,
the sacred song?
How can we find the notes in this chain?
How can we feel the passion of the Passover here?
How can we come to live, be comfortable and sing the songs of Zion?
How can we be at home in this mean land?
No tambourines,
No flutes,
No harps,
No cymbals,
No trumpets.
Only the crash of chains
Only gnashing in pains
No smiling faces
Only wiggles and messes
The hurt concord with our cravings
No song,
No respite,
No wafers,
No Passover
Only sorrows,


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  • 20 years ago

    by Patti

    this really made me think..u are really talented..good luck!

  • 20 years ago

    by Cassandra

    Wow great poem although it ooks like I'm the only one with enough patience to read it through