Dead forests

by Mild insomnia   Dec 18, 2004

I run like I’m racing a bullet,
As tears blind my eyes and choke in my gullet,
And I can’t breathe,
I race the winds though fifty trees,
But I know you’re just too swift; you’ll catch up to me.

Sunlight breaks through darkened forests,
But bare woods leave no place to hide,
I close my mouth, for I have promised,
Not to say a word, for it’s a lie.

I guess I’m not good with first impressions,
I’ve left you with wicked thoughts and mild depression,
Well that’s just me,
Leaving a trail of mass destruction,
A working progress, a corrupt mind under construction.

Skidding to a halt at a sudden drop,
Beneath me, slopes lined with dead leaves,
I know you’re here soon, and I’ve no time to stop,
So sliding down the banks I graze my knees.

Broken branches and fiery foliage,
Greet me as I gracefully fall.
Slicing through my skin, they dig in,
Catching at my clothes, but I won’t call.

Hitting the ground, rolling to my feet,
And hurtling off once again,
I can hear your footsteps pounding behind me,
As I plummet through the woods, in pain.


To whom this concerns, I don’t know if it’s your weird way of trying to help me, by making me run, but I seriously don’t need it right now.


oh, and if anyone can see what the forests and trees are a metaphor for, well done, the poem has two meaning so look close when you read.

emma x


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Bonnie Rose

    All i can say, i clicked and the first two lines caught me, this is jst amazing writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Aysha

    great poem.. luv ur style of writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I liked the symbolism of a forest and the detailed descriptions of the chase passing through it. I also admire the dark imageries you use throughout the piece. I especially admire the lines,
    "Broken branches and fiery foliage,
    Greet me as I gracefully fall.
    Slicing through my skin, they dig in,"
    I like the detailed imagery of the speaker's pain and sufferage. Good job

  • 20 years ago

    by Knight_of_Blackrose

    Great poem! I'm not very good at deciphering symboli, but I will take a wild guess and say that the forest represents a group of people and the tree's are being more specifiv towards individuals? Let me know if i am even close to being right. Prolly not but owell. Great poem thought! Keep it up

  • 20 years ago

    by Mild insomnia

    and then a third, ta jem...