A vampires Love

by Your eyeliner is laughable   Dec 18, 2004

You caress my back gently,
Brush back my hair,
I can't seem to move,
All I do is stare,
Your clothes are of blackness,
Your cloak spun from silk,
And at your waist,
A sword with a hilt.
You lean in closer,
I should feel your breath,
But I feel none,
Your kiss full of death,
Yet I still love you,
Your flare and mystique,
You are so lonely,
My company you seek,
Your pain is like mine,
But ten times as bad,
Words can't describe,
All the feelings you've had,
Now I am yours,
I give you my soul,
And now I'm not alone,
Although I am cold,
Lets go my darling,
Fly on vampiric wings,
Leave all these mortals,
Material things,
We'll fly to your castle,
Where I will be thine,
And their we shall stay,
Unchanged by time.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Crimson Princess

    Your poems about vampires are great. they speak as though your are the vampire. but i guess we all are in our own way. i think you are doing a great job on your poems. i hope to see even more of you poems on here soon.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rocky

    That was a really beautiful poem. dark and magical. i really liked it

  • 20 years ago

    by Danny

    Another Good poem, i love the words you use, your such a good writer, please write more, i'm dying to read more vampie poems!

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