Star and crazy blue

by Bogie   Dec 18, 2004

Star and crazy blue
Up all night

Things that go boom in the middle of the night
Wake you up in a startled chaos again fright
To find it’s the two cats star and crazy blue
running a muck with your stuff anytime they choose
Out with the squirt bottle to make things all calm
Just to be wakened again by tiny little paws
of star on your neck doing the cats massage
Can we get some sleep around here you two please?
If you don’t knock it off out to the cold dark garage
Is were you guys will be going to sleep tonight


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  • 20 years ago

    by sarah jenkins

    I really enjoyed this poem, its very created, and expresses alot of feeling, its very well written, and i personally really like it! but i was wondering if maybe you could comment and or vote on my new poem called "White Silk Dress" if its not too much trouble! Thanks, sarah jenkins!