I love u

by Nobia   Dec 19, 2004

Please listen to my heart
It beats every moment for you.
Please accept my love
which will always be there for you.
Please have a look at me
I yearn for your touch each day
Please hold me close to you
and say what you always say:x
Please love me the same always
For its the sole reason I'm alive.
Please never leave me alone
who knows how I might then survive.
Please caress me the way you do
Its the only pleasure I've felt.
Please support me the way you do
Coz thats how my problems I've dealt.
Please never hurt my faith
for I trust you with my life.
and please trust in me as well
I'll be your friend, lover and a caring wife;)

{ I knew it since our very first date...You're the one, you're my soulmate}

This is dedicated to the one and only love of my life:* .....N


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  • 19 years ago

    by keri

    i love your poem, it reminds me so much of how i am, gurl keep writting them poems........

  • 19 years ago

    by *Guerita*

    your poem is really nice will you take a look at mine i dont have so many because i just started writing i added some new stuff to one of them .. well good luck and keep writing ur poems are good

  • 20 years ago

    by |[ThUg AnGeL 4LyF]|

    hey dats real sweet i really liked it i really like readin all ur poems keep it up!!=)
    fanx 4 commentin on mine 2 xox

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    beautiful poem, nobia. you are very expressive, and write good love poems, thats y ur in my favs. keep up your good work :)

    take care, and keep smiling!

  • 20 years ago

    by Saeki Toru

    That's so sweet and so very well-written. ;_;

    It's really nice. Thank you for commenting on mine, too. ^_^