Rhyming Purple

by Angel of Broken Dreams   Dec 19, 2004

Oh someone help me please,
I need a rhyme for purple,
The only thing that springs to mind,
Is the word urkle.

That hardly makes sense,
When I must describe the sky,
And how in clear January,
The woodlands seem to sigh,

And in the sky the zenith,
Seems almost purple,
Its hardly a pretty poem,
If I mention uncle Urkle.

And then the singular beauty,
Of an impossible rose so purple,
The romantic mysticism,
Of a rose that smells of...urkle?


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  • 20 years ago

    by Broken

    what about nurple? u know..a purple nurple...you could go with something like:

    A rose once so beautiful
    Once a unique shade of purple
    I torched with my inner fire
    Cuz it gave a purple nurple....

    lol....im so gay...lol....have fun and keep searching

  • 20 years ago

    by Sw33ti3

    Hey this poem is really funny..i loved it and ma fave coulor is purple = D..hehe newayz great job and thx for the comment on ma poem..keep it up..laterz
    *XoX Sw33ti3*

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    haha that was so cute i love it awesome job

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Better than OK!! It was great...I loved it...Creative...cute...fun....

  • 20 years ago

    by Your eyeliner is laughable

    Nice, creative, I like it.