Comments : Stop

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Lisa

    hey gurl. . . That was a really good poem . . . This is so weird cuz me and my best friend are going through the same thing . . . Thanks for rating and commenting on my poem cuz it's ppl like you who inspire me to write . . . Thx . . . Keep up the good work, loved the poem . . .

  • 20 years ago

    by Tiffany

    whoa ashlee. i didnt know you ever wrote a poem about me,.. woah lol. well thats really sad. I do know you care and all but its not as simple as some people think. yes i always will love you and yes i knowyour there but irratation has brought us apart farther than i ever thought we wouldve come. no i havent replaced you but the irritation you show when im around is not aomething to go on without notice.