Still Just a Kid

by Chelsea R.   Dec 20, 2004

She loved him so much
how he promised her forever
she wouldn't know what to do
if it wasn't her and him together

she loved when he told her
that he would always be there
and that even when no one else did
he would be the one to care

she believed every word
and knew he'd never make her cry
and he'd still be with her now
if it hadn't been all just a lie

where is he now
he said he would always care
now that she needs him the most
he isn't even there

all alone in this world
about to have a kid
she hates herself for trusting him
regrets all the things she did

only sixteen
and doesn't have a clue
her boyfriend won't help her
she doesn't know what to do

for someone to save her
she prays every night
wishing on every star
that her baby will be alright

she's still just a kid herself
now she's a mom at sixteen
to a beautiful baby girl
she didn't know this is what love to her would mean

thought she was in love with that boy
and she was so very wrong
he said he'd always be there
but now he's gone


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    lol ya :0) thanx for commenting Nate


  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    you seem to be able to write stuff that I could never write maybe it's cuz your a chick I don't thnk I would write about being a mom lol anyways if I could give ya a 6 I would k