Gangsta Suicide

by ~*Sad Girl*~   Dec 21, 2004

Man this time you messed up hardcore...
It's been happening more and more....
You punched me in my face not once but twice...
Man that was a surprise...
Your a "man" you aint supposed to hit me...
Santos was as mad as can be...
He wants to fight...
But I dont want him seeing his last bit of light...
Knowing you, you'll stab him like you did me...
Carlos you're too blind to see...
Your screwing up your life...
Just put down the knife...
I don't know what to do anymore...
I'm ready to walk out the door...
I don't want to leave you behind...
I just wanna push rewind...
Make it like the old days...
All of us sitting around getting blazed...
None of that happens no more...
You turned rotten all the way to the core...
I was by your side through thick and thin..
Thats the way it should have been...
Now it's all said and done...
So I just sit here and pull out my gun...
I put it to my head...
Now I'm dead...

Please comment on this...This is something that has recently happened to me so i wrote it all down right quick...Thanks...


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Robin

    Aw hun! Thats so sad, r u still with him?

  • 19 years ago

    by Cree

    This poems really great thats mad talent right thur, O yeah thanks for commenting my poem

  • great poem chica it really is!! i lvoe everything u said n i love all ya poems u got talent mami!!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    aww wow! my fave of all of urs!! great work!! btw i saw the pic of ur baby girl, shes beautiful
    God bless
    love HMC

  • 20 years ago

    by Ro$h3LlE k.A NeNa

    dang! this dude actually cutchu? thats MESSED up if he did. u is a strrrrrrrrrrong as gurl to deal with that i know i woulda killed em myself but u probly other reasons n things like that so wateva who can know why u do wat u do other than u.