The cancer that killed you

by happy days   Dec 21, 2004

It Started with a lump
Then came the pain
It was a only a bump
Is what we all thought

Months went by
Still it had not gone
To think you could die
Was not on our mind

To the doctors you went
Not dreaming twas bad
To the hospital you were sent
For tests, and much more

The results were shocking
The treatment awful
To see others mocking
Was as unfair as could be

The cancer was there
And there to stay
You lost all your hair
Yet inside you stayed strong

Your Mum fell apart
Couldn't cope with it all
You fought with your heart
As hard as you could

The days you stayed in
Soon turned into the months
You became so thin
Yet your smile remained

Every time you passed
My heart bled for you
A long time it last
Never going away

You had your down days
When you couldn't cope
You had your own ways
To beat out the gloom

At eight years of age
You’d been through so much
By nine years of age
You’d suffered so much

Your saw your friend die
Of the deadly disease
You wished you could fly
To heaven as well

You soon became worse
The pain was so bad
You had a your own nurse
Night and day by your side

As the days went by
You were better and bad
You wished you could die
Be rid of the pain

A month yesterday
You found your peace
Your funeral was packed
With grief stricken people

At the age of 10
You’d never really lived
You stayed so strong
But lost your fight

I’ll always remember you
I will never forget
My life’s not the same
But I live for tomorrow


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Ley*~

    it had a great beginning but you lost it towards the end. i love the message behind it though.

  • 19 years ago

    by shannon

    yet another amazing poem..and another 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by hussain

    very emotioanl and heartfelt peice.....this is a excellent poem and well written. it is sad to hear things like that but easier to read of them when they have been written so greatly.

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Emilia

    wow great poem happy days..5/5!
    keep it up.. Please check out my poems.. take care

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Wow....Excellent poem!! So sorry for your loss! God Bless and take care!!