Bring Me To My Suicide

by CaptainTyingKnots   Dec 21, 2004

I know I made a promise to never cut again
But I knew I shouldn't have
Cause I knew I cocouldn't keep it

And it’s almost been a week
And so many times I’ve wanted to cut
So many times I could have
And even thought I should have
But I never did

I even thought
About running in front of the train
But I just froze standing alone in the rain
With the pain remaining in my heart
And your hate tearing my apart

I thought about
Taking every tablet that I could find
I pictured you in my head
After you heard I was dead
You were faking to care
With your fake f-ing tears_Rolling from your empty eyes
And your stupid lies
Would soon bring me to this
So bring me
To my suicide


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by Driver

    dark poem but written well... its hard not to cut, but dont... youre better off without it.... i have a friend thats in your position, and im trying to help her.... keep up the good writting...

  • 20 years ago

    by Driver

    dark poem but written well... its hard not to cut, but dont... youre better off without it.... i have a friend thats in your position, and im trying to help her.... keep up the good writting...

  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    This is an amazingly well written poem. I hope you're alright. Please don't cut....I KNOW what its like to be there...trying to stop for someone...please try though.
    If you want to talk, I'm here