Comments : In Everlasting Grace

  • 20 years ago

    by Carrie

    Hey sweety,
    Thanks for commentin gon my poem! I know how you feel with the whole thing with the someone you love leaving for your best friend! I had that happen a few times! Plus the father of my child that died before birth he went out with my best friend. If you read my poem thats new. Well, thanks once again and amaZing job on the writing! Keep 'Em coming! Lots Of Love!!!


  • 20 years ago

    by tender69

    sweet poem,really sad and full of emotion.thanks 4 commenting on my poem 2.
    ~a friend at wits end

  • 20 years ago

    by BabyGurl

    Thanks for the comments i really liked your poem:) always babygurl

  • 20 years ago

    by bucky

    nice poem i really liked how the poem changed throught it ... it was if it is a song and i do love songs :)