
by *suicidal dreams*   Dec 22, 2004

I have to carry on, I have to forget,
Put it behind me, without a regret,
Against my body, against my skin,
I wont give up, nor shall I give in,
I see your face, one I know so well,
I cover myself, wrapped around like a shell,
I try to erase you from my memory,
But it’s hard, because you stay by me,
We have to share a house, a family,
I keep on knowing, what you did to me,
How you carry on living your life,
But mine consists of a blood-drenched knife,
You sit there so smug, knowing what you did,
How you forced your kiss upon my lips,
I have to live with the pain, the dreams at night,
How I struggled so hard to win the fight,
I trusted you, my own flesh and blood,
I fall to the floor, down with a thud,
It’s all your fault I’m the way I am!
It’s not like you care, you don’t give a damn,
You live your life, I keep on knowing,
But I hate my life, though I keep on going,
One more slit, right down to the vein,
It runs trough me, release the pain!
Get rid of all the things you did to me,
The moment I cried, begged you to leave,
I hate you, I hate you all,
Watch me die, watch me as I fall!
You’re to blame, you didn’t stop,
The blood wont end, as each tear drops,
You used me, you made me die,
Even when it was over, you were making me cry,
How could you do this to a simple eight year old?
You abused me, the story had to be told,
I’m letting go, day by day,
But I wont let you forget if I have my way,
It’ll stay with us both, until the end,
This is my message, of which I send,
You used me, you broke me to pieces,
As my hate for you only increases,
It’s over now, I’m going to be strong,
Because what you did lasted for too long,
I wont tell anyone, but I shall put you through pain,
Tear you to pieces, just like my veins.


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  • 20 years ago

    by *suicidal dreams*

    thank you i appreciate ur comment xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Brilliant poem! I loved it! I espez liked this bit

    I have to carry on, I have to forget,
    Put it behind me, without a regret,
    Against my body, against my skin,
    I wont give up, nor shall I give in,

    A truly brilliant poem! Gonna add you to my favourites :-) take care xxxxx