Letter of thanks

by Nae   Dec 22, 2004

Thanks for being there for me when I lived there. Thanks for being there for me when my father died.
Thanks for allowing to let me go.
Thanks for being a wonderful best friend in the past and thanks for being a great friend now.
I know it will take a while for us to work things out and that works for me.
I don't want to rush things.
I am content.
And i have not been in a while.
I still miss you but people change and so do friendships.
Don't take this the wrong way.
I want to remain friends and work things out.
I have accepted the fact that not all friends in high school remain friends.
Distance causes strain.
I just have a little question for you to think about. DO YOU THINK WE WILL BE FRIENDS IN 5 YEARS??
10 YEARS??
MAYBE 15???
Thats how you know if the friendship can last.
I used to think we would be friends forever. Hopefully that dosn't change.
College will change us, life experiences will change us.
Will we remain the same?
Or will we be people we can't stand to be around. I am just looking ahead.
To prepare myself.
I luv ya all lots and hope i didn't hurt you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Nae

    this poem has changed.. its not true anymore.. we are done with our friendship.. but i need to copy it down.. so its staying here.