One death, and it could kill us all

by silent submission   Dec 23, 2004

Experiences thrive on reactions
Events come from the reactions that arise in the aftermath of the one prior
A cherished girl dies of her own hand
The ones left behind feel the pain she once suffered,
Through her actions the actions of others become as clear as the signs they missed
Its a chain reaction
Of an unknown source…this pain is a circle.
One violent person, no matter how unimportant to the individual,
Can fuse their pain onto the young life of another…
In turn this person will bring their pain to the ones they love the most
Even if its un-intentional
The cycle goes on and never ceases
It epitomizes all that is spiteful and vengeful in this unforgiving world
Pain continues to gather links to its endless chain
I admit I am one
Welded to this pain
Only to take the ones held closest to us…the ones we adore
and place the chain around their precious hearts.
Unable to differentiate the new pain from their own
Everything is linked
Everyone apart of the pain
When one solitary soul breaks
The rest fall to the harsh reality that is the truth
And the scars left never heal
They spread, grow and inevitably;
Become seen.
The end for one cuts the beginning of the end into another heart
A heart somewhere waiting for the pain
Waiting for the call saying its over
It comes as the ability to feel emotion leaves.
A heavy burden on a soul is the one of fault
Forgiving yourself is impossible when u let someone fall
Knowing all to well it should have been you.
The circle, the chain, the links, the people
All apart of what life is and what life is without
A tragic demise rekindles the need for self-destruction of another
It seems a game;
But the stakes are too high
The chain has to end and it’s with me.
Its my turn to make a vital move
Let me go
Game over.


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  • 20 years ago

    by loosing grip

    like i sed last time i read this, the chain wont end with u hun, so dont evn give it another thought. i really love this tho, like the others sed its so tru and it dus make ya think. it shows me that u r very very talented bubba. luv ya hun lots

  • 20 years ago

    by Mentally_Unable

    You are a really deep thinker aren't you. From all the poems that I have read up here yours is the only one that made me think and I like that. I think the way a person writes says alot about their character not exactly the character who they are but the one they are going to become. And the way you write shows me that you are going to become a beautiful thinker and maybe even a briliant poet. If that is who you chose to become. I love this poem, in matter of fact I more than love this poem. You did a wonderful job on it

  • 20 years ago

    by David

    ...its so true... oh so true...
    good on ya mate, hang in there