Society is Screwed

by tender69   Dec 24, 2004

There's people on the street
there's people in their homes
there's children crying
people dieing
what else i do not know
parasites in our heads
bacteria in our food
bugs where we sleep
society is screwed

we all think we're safe
when we're wrapped up in our beds
but that's just an illusion
pumped into our heads
killers out to get us
but it isn't really so
the number one killer
is cigarette smoke
one thing we should fear
is eatting so so wrong
thinking atkins diet is good
it killed him,didn't you know?
you may think it's dandy
but i disagree
you may like society
but it seems screwed to me.

~as i get older I am learning about these things,kids don't know.My sister is becoming a vet so i get to hear about bugs and stuff,which is scary.My brother is into economics so i hear his side a way,i think society is screwed.
~a friend at wits end


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  • 20 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    nice poetic flow pointing out some real problems

  • 20 years ago

    by tender69

    thanks 4 the comments,they really are apreciated,and this christmas,all i want to recieve is a big hug.*hugs*i think everyone has forgotten the true meaning of christmas.everyone is in a rush and all,i hate it.all i really want is to see my love,know he's staying in edmonton,and know he loves me too.
    ~a friend at wits end

  • yea, i agree, society is so damn screwed up! i mean what is this world coming to and what is in the years to come? anyway, i love your poem, your truely talented! Merry Christmas! o<=] (haha thats my santa smiley)^_^
    take care!^^