She knows who she is

by Casey   Dec 25, 2004

She’s shallow
she can’t think for herself.
She waits with baited breath
for her cue to agree.

It’s kind of sad
how she spends her time
criticizing others
though they are better than she.

Maybe someday
when her bitterness catches up
one shall not just pass her by
but kick her while she is down

Then she will know
there is someone
more uncivilized than she
and she’ll live with that simple satisfaction


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  • 20 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Tessa marie does not understand that a poet puts a little peace of thier soul into thier work. great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Casey

    tessa, you silly cow, doesnt any of this sound farmilliar? I had inspiration for this one. Guess who it was? No wonder you don't like it (incase you didnt pick up on it, you were my inspiration).

  • interesting...but i like it. =] it has a great meaning. keep it up and have a very merry christmas!
    Take care,
    -Cheerfully Cynical