Dangerous Beauty

by DooDee   Dec 25, 2004

I was walking down the street
And I saw a very handsome guy
He had a very sweet face
I went : Oh My! Oh My !

He turned his face and looked at me
Oh how beautiful his eyes were
They twinkled and sparkled
I couldn't’t look at them , didn't dare
I walked away with joy
Pretended that I didn't care

After that I saw him
Every now and then
I thought that he was very special
Not like all other men
I loved looking at him
Loved doing that sin

I later heard that he was taken
Going out with another chick
He saw all the girls
And he made his pick
But I didn’t care
Didn’t give a heck

Even if this guy sees a million girls
That wont matter with me
In front of my eyes
That’s all what I want him to be

He might be with some one else
But that wont stop me from looking at him
He has very dangerous beauty
No like anyone of them

All what I want is to be pleasured
With seeing that face
See God's great beauty
Filling every space

I will always like him
And admire his beauty
I will always be delighted to see him
Secretly call him my cutie

Maybe one day he will look back
Will smile to me
That will be my happiest day
Because I totally like thee


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  • 20 years ago

    by DooDee

    CoMe On PEoLPe !
    RaTe ! Or CommEnt !