Comments : Livestrong

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    cool poem well written tough subject but beautiful poem

  • 20 years ago

    by *~^Heart*Broken^~*

    that was really kool. people wear them hear to. i guess they do every where. i never wanted one till i read your poem! thank bunches!

  • thanks for all the comments guys! now i'm trying to figure out what to put instead of those 2 lines and i'm off to check out some of yours!
    -Cheerfully Cynical

  • =] i fixed it! does that sound more scientifically correct?

  • 20 years ago

    by Erica Brown©

    Great poem. Nothing is amiss. I think those livestrong things are sad. And I think it is terrible that there is a kind for people who are totally against it. If I still was a teen, I would probably wear one.. Keep up the good work, never quit. 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Incognito

    Omg that poem was beautiful and touching and sad. You did a really good job conveying the emotions and the sadness and confusion. Cancer is tough and you really do have to stay strong. Keep writin i'm liking what i'm reading.
    *Stay Strong*

  • 20 years ago

    by ChildofGod87

    Awwww... this poem was really sad, but I loved it:) Excellent work! Girl you have a gift! God Bless your heart! And I hope you tell me if there's any new poems, cuz I'd like to read them:p.. *5/5*..

    ~!~Sweet Angel Bliss ... Sedusha~!~

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaitlin Elizabeth

    I really like this poem!!! its awesome!!! I have one of those livestrong bracelets. I never take it off. 5/5 once again!

  • 19 years ago

    by CynicxSincexBirth

    wow. i'm really impressed. very nicely done. i applaud you.