Painted Picture

by Seronum   Dec 26, 2004

Theres a picture inside, that is waiting to show. Its the picture i drew, just before I let go.

The blood on the walls and the sky painted red. The loss of a soul, with no brain in its head.

The stupidity at its best and on it flows. My picture of death, upon a black rose.

Theres a flood of anger and hatred all mixed. The sickness inside, must all be fixed.

Theres a gun on the ground, while a life lay dead. The suicidal mind, must of went through his head.

To tell you the truth, this picture is me. My future less ending, with no prophecy.

Its the emotions that run, through out these dead veins. The torture that burst,s with all the harsh pain.

A crying dear mother weeps over the corpse. She knew it was coming, and all for the worse.

No thought of good counseling nor taking up sports. All the pain in his life, had no future course.

So I take this dear picture and fill the minds eye. and show the emotions which lay deep within side.

The basement floor covered in darkening red. and I finish my picture with a coffin of dread.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Seronum

    Thank you all for the coments, keep em up lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Gemma Sinead Hayward

    i really love this poem

  • 19 years ago

    by pinkalias

    A worthy piece directed twords the depressing situations and suicidel thoughts today. Dark and full of forshadow, I especially admired the lines, "The stupidity at its best and on it flows. My picture of death, upon a black rose."
    I thought the comparison to a rose was lovely. I also admire the subject and main even in this piece, the metaphor of a picture being painted is symbolic and full of meaning. Well done