Live today like there is no tomorrow
Remember the good times and forget the sorrow
We only get one chance at life
Everyone's gotta focus on the good and not on all the strife
You gotta dance every dance
While you still have the chance
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone young or old
Life isn't about winning or all the gold
Take the time to tell the ones you love that you love them
Take the time to look at your little girl and say I love you like the grand canyon times ten
Take the time when you do something wrong to say I'm sorry
And take the time to enjoy life and live it up like one big party
Your always going to make mistakes
And life is full of risks you have to take
But you have to think about the good and not about the bad
Think about what you have and not about what you could have had
*please comment and vote it would mean alot and i will return the favor*