The One

by Chelsea R.   Dec 28, 2004

I just want to find that guy
the one that makes all my dreams come true
and holds me when I cry
the one that will support me in anything I do

the one that wants to hear
everything about my day
the one who listens
to the things I say

the one that I love
and the one that loves me just as much
the one that'll hold my hand while we walk
and makes me shiver with just his touch

the one that knows what time I have cheer practice
and surprises me with a ride home when it's done
the one that makes me laugh
and when I'm with him I have so much fun

the one that says he loves me
but he really means it and it's not a lie
the one that makes me feel special
and isn't just like every other guy

why is it so hard to find the one
that you will be with till the end
why can't the one you love just love you back
and why can't I be in a good relationship
that won't break or bend


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    thanx N8!...i was j/w ur last name cuz u kinda remind me of one of my X-boyfriends and his name is Nate also lol. but i guess u aren't him..but newayz yes i will add u


  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    another great poem chels I really like it and I wish I could find someone too I know guys can be jerks but chicks can be just as bad so yea and I think your one of the best poets I've seen or read or whatever on this whole place chels great job oh yea my last name starts with a H it's Herrera if you can't pronounce it it sounds like her air uh it's weird but yea anyways if you got msn u should add me so we could talk
    if ya wanna k I already told you my email right? if i didn't tell me k