Lance Gunter

by Tanya, Mom of one.   Dec 29, 2004

In my dreams you come to me,
You are alive and well.
When in reality I know your dead,
This past May, you got killed.

Are you trying to say hello?
Trying to let me know your still there?
Or are you saying your final goodbye,
Life is so unfair.

You were one that I loved,
You were so full of life,
To be taken out of this world,
Causes so much pain, such strife.

I slept with you beneath that tree,
I went with you down that river,
How I loved being with you,
How you made my body quiver.

In my dreams you are healthy,
Last night I hugged you tight,
Even tho you are not here,
Things still seemed so right.

I wish I could turn back time,
To once more look into your eyes,
Know that you are alive and here with me,
Wishing you never had to die.

A part of me will always love you,
A piece of my heart went too,
As they laid your body in the ground,
God, how I miss you.

I visit you from time to time,
I feel you know I'm there,
I think that you are there in spirit,
I feel you as the wind blows thru my hair.

True love never dies, it is put on hold,
Until we meet once more....
I know you will be standing there,
If I make it to heavens door.

***I love and Miss you Lance, More than you will ever know.****


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  • 20 years ago

    by bluehun


  • 20 years ago

    by No Motiv?

    I love this poem....I can't empathize as I have not lost someone close to me, but I enjoy it because of the expressive writing. Good Job.