by Thumbelina04   Dec 29, 2004

Get over it
Thats what my friends all say
Cheer up, cos todays another day
But they'll never know exactly what u n me had
How u made it better when everything was bad
Now theres no one hear to make things better
No one to hold me all through the night
Telling me things will one day be alright
So When you all tell me to get over it
And i say i am, whilst fighting back the tears
Its not that hard to lie, clearly cos he did to me for many years
Me n him go deeper then u think
every kiss, every hug, every little wink
He meant the world to me and always will
Just because he left me doesn't make him a Pratt
Cos in my eyes hes still all that
So every time u say Get over it
I'm not gonna lie any more
I'm not gonna sit there n smile
I'm gonna cry, N if u were me
you would understand why


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  • 20 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    hey i reli love dis one! lovin it! im not jus sayin dese tings cuz ur a frnd but im serious ur stuff is great! i can so relate 2 dis, its lyk all ur frnds tink dey undastnd but dey dnt n ur lyk "shut da *fcuk* up u dnt no wot ur talkin bou!" neways chat 2 u bou dis on msn take care babes x

  • 20 years ago

    by confusion

    great poem, its never easy to get over anyone, i dont think theres a cure out there, otha wise id be rich. lol.i hope you are ok, and everything turns out alright

    take care, lu -x-x-x-x-x-

  • 20 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    hey gyal its me, great poem, lyk i sed wit evry of ur othr poems. yea n its so easy 2 relate 2 bcuz ppl tink its so easy 2 get over sum1 but it ent.gud job!XXX

  • 20 years ago

    by xღxBeckyxღx

    i like this poem, its really thoughtful and so true!! People don't know what happens between two people and sometimes its easier said than done to get over someone. Happy New Year!! xxxx