Comments : Sept 11th

  • 20 years ago

    by MariSylvano

    Oh whatever. Yeah it was a tragedy and all that but you people just overdo it. Have you heard of all the south asian casualties this week? what about them? The problem with the US (not all of you, just a handful) is that you think theres no world outside your nation. And everyone hates you, sorry, but its kind of true where I come from. Weve got sooo much bad vibes from you, and the way you handle stuff. Sept 11th was awful, but you people play it like its the worst thing ever to happen, when things just as bad and worse are happening every day.Dont mess with the US is damn right...if you did you'd probably stop trading with us like you did to cuba or bomb us or something ridiculous.
    Anyway, ranting over, onto the poem. Wasnt bad, wasnt amazing. I dont think its good enough to get published, but I could be wrong. Keep writing!