An Undiscovered Friend

by ├Truely_Spoken┤   Dec 30, 2004

© Francisco Guzman 2005

What I feel is so distinct
A bond that’s true
To know that I’ll never be alone
Because I have you

You’re that undiscovered friend,
That can always relate to what I’m going through
You’re that undiscovered friend,
That knows me as well as I know myself

You’re that undiscovered friend,
That is always behind my back
You’re that undiscovered friend,
Whose presence wipes away the pain

What will I do without you to comfort me?
What would I do if I had never met you?
You listen so patiently,
Never judging what I do or say

When you reach for my hand,
You touch my heart

You’re that undiscovered friend,
That as there when I needed you the most
You’re that undiscovered friend,
That found me when I was alone

I remember those days, when I was left to take a path
Whose bumps I couldn’t pass
And then you appeared, with your honest gesture
To save me from my agony

Back then you were that undiscovered friend
Which I have so much to learn of
But no matter what the road seems like now
I know that you and I will make it
In the end

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  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    u have to click on their name and it should say add to ur favorites.

  • 20 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    omg, thanx, im so proud to be on some1's favorite list, thanx, um..1 question, how do u add some1 do ur favorites, lol..

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    am i your undiscovered friend. j/k. i know exactly what ur talking about. keep up the good work. i really love ur poems. and just so u know, ur on my favorites.