by lala
Oh my gosh. That was so dark. None the less, I enjoyed reading it!!!!! 5/5 |
by Vanessa
Quite amazing, well written, deep emtion, wonderful word choice. 5/5 |
by skynerraw
Very deep, powerful, wonderful word choice, great word choice, and from the poems I've read along with this one, you had to have been in the Army! Well I loved the poem, I feel sorry for you if this is something that happened to you,,,,amazing poem.... 5/5 |
by Kaila
The rhyming was pretty good |
by xxxStarSxxx
Omigosh! This is so sad, and depressing. But thats doesn't mean it's not good, cuz it is! The flow of it was pretty consistant, but it occasionallly got off. other than that I loved it! 5/5 |
Wow. |
by amoxi
Wow this was a sad poem, i liked sad poems the most and i have to say this one was very good, it had a very good ending im impressed keep it up |
A few pieces of advice: Break your poems down into stanzas, it would make it a lot easier to read. Try fixing up your flow a little, if a line doesn't sound great then take out or add in a few words. Good stuff: I felt like this poem had a good, solid story-of-sorts to it, and it was very deep in imagery. Good job. |
Very dark poem. the imagery you used was great. in places the poem was a little shaky, but you managed to cover that with your talented rhyming. |