Yeah, best freinds forever

by kristen   Jan 2, 2005

I fell into your trap
Your web of deceit
Now I’m the one in charge
You’re taking a back seat
Where do we stand now?
Nothing has been solved
It’s easy to forgive and forget
When you’re not the one involved
You can try your hardest now
But my heart you won’t break
I let you do that once
That was my first and last mistake
This feeling of emptiness
Is more than I can bare
You make it worse
By saying you don’t care
I’m so unwanted
I’ve always been this way
You’ve never felt like this
Don’t even act like you know
Anyone can look at me and tell
I’ve started to fall apart
But you would too
If someone broke your heart
You don\'t have to say anything
Your actions say it all
You can keep playing your mind games
While I watch as you fall
You\'ve become a stranger
No longer are we friends
Don\'t think you can talk to me now
Don\'t try to make amends
You did care at one point
But at what cost?
You hid behind your lies
Now you know it was your loss
“They’re always together”
People used to say
But now we’re individuals
We’ve gone our separate ways
Did you think it would be the same?
That things would be cool?
Whoever would think that
Is nothing but a fool
It’s time I told you
I need you no longer
Your true colors have surfaced
Making me stronger
It’s a shame it had to end like this
You let our friendship go to waste
My new friends have shown me
You weren’t that hard to replace
I asure you I\'m upset
But it\'s not like you care
You think you know me
But you haven\'t even been there
You sure have changed
And the emotional impact
Is that I\'m left with all the strife
I need to get over it
I need time to heal
I need you there to listen
But you don\'t know how I feel
You\'ve pushed me away
Leaving me to shed many tears
You\'ve forgotten many things
Even memories we\'ve gathered through the years
You said I was your sister
You called yourself my friend
You took that for granted
So I guess this is the end


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