My Lonely road...

by SplitSided   Jan 2, 2005

Here alone I stand.
With nobody there to hold my open hand.
With a broken and heavy heart.
I watch my world get torn apart.
With my life a wreck.
I wonder how I'm gonna go from one day to the next.
I take one step down my road of lonelyness.
And realize that it wasn't always like this.
Memories haunt my dreams.
Silence kills my screams.
I look at the cards I got dealt.
And I write a letter to myself.
It's titled my lonely road.
With my head held low.
I walk farther down the road.
Not sure how and where to go.
Footprints represent memories that have passed.
Footprints represent feelings that won't last.
This old road is all that I have.
And somehow that isn't all that bad.
I've got it close.
I walk on it the most.
People come and go.
Yet where I go is something I don't know.
With every passing day.
Another step.
With every passing day.
More regret.
I wish I could turn around.
So I'm here looking at the footprint on the ground.
The end of the road isn't in sight.
My road is dark...there is no light.
Memories in my head is what I hold.
With these memories I walk down my lonely road...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is a really good poem, u have a lot of talent, keep on writing! take care!!
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy