Comments : Never Will Amount To Her

  • 19 years ago

    by ChildofGod87

    Even though you said no about anyone in particular, but it always happens to you...
    If you don't care what people think or say, Do you think you should have faith within yourself that one day you'd have the love that you wanted to have?
    Maybe I'm not making sense, but I'm just being opened!
    God Bless you with all that God gave you! I wish you a great "Year" with full of joy & happiness:) *Cheers to 2005* ... *5/5*....

    ~!~Bliss of the heavens from above~!~

  • 19 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Sedusha dear you are making perfect sense to me...yes i should have faith you are right but things like that are easier said than done. God bless.

  • 19 years ago

    by ChildofGod87

    Heather, I know it's not easy...I've been there before, but for some reason God or Angels shined on me to give me some faith to believe that I could find love!!! But yeah, I have had rough edges...Just there's always a trick on life and I know you know that too!!! I know you care and I know you have a beautiful heart that try to shine to people of love for them to be always happy that you touched them or brighten they're day:)!!! (Sry to write long)

    I know you have faith...
    Even though I don't know you quite well or good like amanda or matt... But it's how I feel that you show to people and ONE DAY YOUR PRAYERS WOULD BE ANSWER!!!

    God Bless you... :-)...
    *!*With All The Love To Share Sedusha*!*

  • 19 years ago

    by Matthew Lee

    Heather i'm sorry... it had to happen to you. I'm so sorry, so sorry. Love yah bye...

  • 19 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Matt...its okay. *stop that* i love you too hun.

  • 19 years ago

    by christina

    loved it hunz great work :D