Would You Even Dare?

by Toni   Jan 2, 2005

Would You Even Dare?

Why are you bringing me down so low
When you say you really care?
Why do you promise me your support
And yet you’re never there?

Why do you call me those hurtful names
When you say you love me so?
Why do you say you’ll stay with me
And then turn around and go?

See all of this is confusing me
Cos I really thought you really cared
But it’s obvious now you never did
And it’s just left me even more scared

Who can I trust when I can’t trust you?
I certainly can’t trust myself
How do I believe anything anyone says
When I’m treated like dirt on a shelf

Swept away and thrown into the bin
Just fragments of the past
Now dead flesh that refuses to live
A life that couldn’t last

Well I haven’t reached those pits just yet
But I’ll tell you when I’m dead
Then the way you treat me will be ok
And not so degrading instead

Because I've given up trying to question why
You tell me these kind words
Then bring me down and abuse my head
Its nothing but absurd

And these tears that are filling my tired eyes
Are really nothing new
It’s just that you have never been there
When I'm struggling to pull through

I promise to you this very last time
That I’m really not ok
You thought my suicidal tendency had left
But it never went away

So next time you tell me how you’ll be there
Wait for a minute and think...
Because I might actually need you to stick to those words
And not leave me alone to sink

I might actually need you to stick to that promise
I might just need you to care
Now you know this, would you promise it again?
Or would you just not dare?

Any comments would mean so much right now x


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  • 17 years ago

    by colourmehappy

    This is so unbelievable. i loved it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku! x

  • 19 years ago

    by Lil Luce

    Wow I got ur name off of confusion's profile so i thought id check ur work out!!! and im glad i did! i really enjoyed this...has a really good, strong meaning behind it! amazed! keep writing and keep strong! xxxLoUxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku! xx

  • 20 years ago

    by stephyG

    omGGg MaDDd POEmz HunZ.. Hope it al workZ out.. mwAz chek out mine if ya get a chance XOXoxox Stephyy..g