Thank-you for my daddy
who is not behind bars
Thank-you for my daddy
who didn't leave me with scars
Thank-you for my daddy
Who won't hurt another soul
Thank-you for my daddy
Who's not on the dole
Thank-you for my daddy
Who never had any affairs
Thank-you for my daddy
Who does everything because he cares
Thank-you for my daddy
Who taught me how to live
Thank-you for my daddy
who knows how to forgive
Thank-you for my daddy
who has held me when I cried
Thank-you for my daddy
who has been by my side
Thank-you for my daddy
Who still tucks me into bed
Thank-you for my daddy
Who is alive and not dead
Thank-you for my daddy
For giving him to me
Thank-you for my daddy
He's the best a dad could be
~~ i wrote this because I've seen other poems about how horrible their dads were so i thought i should be thankful for the one i have even though he's a bit strict.~~