Standing in the middle of Nowhere

by john foster   Jan 3, 2005

She left me standing here all alone
Till all my hope was gone
There are some things that I cannot control
My heart is now feeling so cold
Things start to slip away from me
These eyes blind to see
Just the most obvious things hard to realize
That just maybe.... I shouldn't rely
Rely on her for her love
Even though I knew I shouldnt' have

If only her eyes could see...
What she has made a part of me..
She filled in that big empty space
Leaving nothing but love in place..
Helping my mind ease all of the pain
Making it seem like that I was all along unbelievably sane...

But all at once she was gone...
She left me standing in the middle of nowhere
Where I know I am not going to love again
My heart was taken...........
and her love is something I cannot bare
As quick as she was here
She was gone
It was almost as if she was stolen

The presence of her just made me feel happy
Why did she have to leave me?
No one will ever know...
As time comes to a slow
If anything could happen..
It would be to see her just once again
Who know’s when??
She has already come and gone once again

She has left me in the middle of nowhere
As much as I want her.. I know I cannot bare
The presence of her...
It would make me fear
Fear for the worst
That I would lose myself......

I’ve been standing here in the middle of nowhere
She left me here
And I cannot control myself
Or anyone one else
Only she knows why
As time passes by...
I very well may die...


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  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    This poem is amazing....I love it!! Please keep it up!! I absolutely love it! You're an amazing writer....

  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer wilson

    standing in the middle of nowhere is so unbeleavably beautiful it truely stirs emotion in my heart that i havent felt in a long time.