A poem on anorexia

by Kaitlin Elizabeth   Jan 3, 2005

Note- I don't suffer from Anorexia...I just watched a movie on it, and thought about writing a poem, cuz I've wanted to go anorexic before but never did...

I look in the mirror
I don't like what I see
they tell me its not true
But they don't know what its like to be like me

They have no idea
What goes through my mind.
Trying to measure up to those on TV
Takes a great amount of time.

Trying to look the best
Hearing you have to be thin
I look at those models and think
"Do I have to be skinny to win?"

So day after day
My diet becomes so small.
Finally its down to nothing
And people know nothing at all.

When someone asks me
"Have you ate today?"
I always have to lie
"Yes I did" I'm forced to say.

Family and friends begin noticing
That I look different in some odd way.
"Have you lost weight?"
Just a few pounds I say.

But the pounds add up
from 10 to 20 and more than that
I'm such a small girl
But in the mirror I see nothing but fat.

My face is turning pale
My hair has begun to fall out
Its getting out of control
I really need to get help.

My parents take me to the hospital
"Why do you starve yourself?" they ask
"You were always a thin beautiful young girl"
I answer ..."I wanted to be like those people on TV, it was my task!"

They said I'm not the only one
Now they are sending me away
To somewhere I can get help
Where people with the same illness live their days.

If i could say one thing
To those wanting to be thin like myself
Don't try to be skinny like super models and actresses
Just be proud of who you are, and be yourself


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Laura

    Hey i loved that poem. I know exactly what its like to have anorexia... I have recently been diagnosed with anorexia and they are the reasons with why i started starving myself! Well i hope you never go through it... Keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by t i f f a n y ♥

    Wow this is so good. Very powerful. Well written. Keep it up.


  • 19 years ago

    by hussain

    yes be yourself.. great poem well written

    can u have a read of mine..
    .'doors of my heart have opened wide' ?

    and also some of my latest poems...would mean alot ..thank you

  • 19 years ago

    by Fireflower

    i know how bad the pressure is to be a stick.. i set myself to be realistic though.. like, some curves. nehoo, awesome poem! keep it up!


  • 20 years ago


    Not bad. Not really to my tastes, but I like more deep poems with um...bigger words, shall we say, that will force me to think outside the square. Still, not bad.