Every time you are near

by Oliver Stevenson   Jan 3, 2005

Every time you are near
Everybody seems far away
So you can come and make the disappear
Make then disappear, and we can stay

When you’re in my heart
You make me feel alive
I search through the stars
Just to be by your side

Make then disappear for me
So we can be alone for a second
Come closer, so we can be
Entwined together, we don’t have to pretend

I don’t know if you can see
The loneliness in my eyes
The hurt the pain buried in me
Getting rid of then I have tried

I can’t get you out of my mind
No matter how hard I try
When I’m not with you, holding my hand
I sit alone and cry

Why can’t I see you?
Why can’t you be here?
Why can’t I see your face so true?
And make our love clear


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Oliver Stevenson

    thank you :) x

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla

    Wow...what a great poem...words cant describe how great it is. i am quite jealous after reading though...i wish it was that way for everyone...:(! anyways...i am happy for you and your girl!!! good luck to the both of you and great poetry...dont stop writting!!! luv yas mwah!!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Oliver Stevenson

    i love her with all my heart, would never stop!

    Ellie - you'll find that one person i know it :) it may take time, but you will find that guy who will love you to bits :D he's out there, probably looking for you :D

  • 19 years ago

    by Court

    that was an excellent poem!! great job!

  • 20 years ago

    by deadnalone

    awwwww wish someone luvd me as much as u obviously luv her, great poem