
by unknown   Jan 3, 2005

The time of forgiving is over,
The lonely soul wonders in the dark,
The eyes cast down, they see I’m hurt,
But all they do is laugh and curse…

Everything about me,
It’s hated by then all,
They feel ill at the sight of me,
And throw stones to makes me fall…

I cry in pain again and again
Until my knees give way,
Once on the ground,
They approach and make my vision fade away,

The blade I stroke in need,
The sharpness makes me relaxes,
The feel of the cold steel on skin,
It makes me stronger now…

I can get up I try
And I see the stones lay blooded on the ground,
The misty night around me,
The gravel in my eyes…

I hold my hands around me,
I feel the pain go deep,
All I see now is darkness,
And the people lurk around…

They come rushing at my frame,
Hitting me for a game,
Saying that I should suffer,
From being different from them…

I wish I could withstand,
They fatal and powerful blows,
I wish I could not feel the pain,
The worlds spinning and my head twirls...

A man shouts out I’m vile,
Not worthy of a life,
He hits me in the stomach,
His eyes I see, they burn,

I see behinds their wills,
I see the hatred clear…
The things they wish to do,
Make me disappear..

All the world is over,
All hands do is hurt,
I feel of the pain inside me,
All tears I make are silent..

In the darkness I stay and suffer,
Trying to become a shadow and forget,
Make all the people,
Make them overlook…

I wish I were not seen,
And as the last blow hits,
I fall to the ground relived,
Because I’m now a shadow concealed…


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  • 20 years ago

    by unknown

    Thank you and i have... i shall also keep writing :D hopefully you shall enjoy some of my other poems in the near future..

  • Another remarkable work of art.

    Did this really happento you? I am so sorry if it did. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me,

    Please keep writing, and i shall keep reading.

    x x x x