Mirror, Mirror...

by Jessie   Jan 4, 2005

I stand at the mirror,
And stare and stare,
I hope to find answers,
But they just arent there.

I see a girls face,
Staring back at me,
Its not me,
So who could it possibly be?

So I remember the past,
And the pain comes flooding back,
My memories are evil,
Empty, and black.

I take the pills,
One at a time,
The girls face in the mirror...
Could it be mine?

Surely not,
Am I going mad?
But I know I'm not crazy,
Im just messed up real bad.

Now I slit my wrists,
And my hands start to shake,
And I start to wonder...
Is this a mistake?

No, its not,
It makes me glad,
It takes away the pain,
And stops me feeling sad.

Am I dead?
Is it all over yet?
Is fate,
The thing that I have met?

Yes it is,
I am now dead,
My soul feels like,
Its made of lead.

But I am free,
My life is gone,
But it hasn't ended...
It has just begun.

* Sorry if that made no sense...my feelings were all jumbled up when I wrote it *


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  • 19 years ago

    by Reem O

    Wooooow great poem,real sad..i swear i wish i can give u more than 5/5 cuz this is soooo talented, great job..

  • 20 years ago

    by Pyrovengance

    It made perfect sence to me. I knew exactly what you meant! I loved this poem.