
by Kacie   Jan 4, 2005

Why do I have to love you?
Why can not I let go?
Why do I want to hold you in my arms?
What is it that makes me love you so?

I am sorry for wanting to be
More then friends
I am sorry but
I will love you till the end

I will love you no matter what you do
No matter what you say
You can never make me walk away
I will love you till my dieing day

I know me and you will never be
So I will just have to love you secretly
I will tell you I am over you and I no longer care that way
And hope that you don’t see through me

You’re the last person I ever wanted to lie to
But what else am I suppose to do?
If I keep telling the truth
I may lose you

I would rather have you as just a friend
Then not have you in my life at all
I will always be the one to catch you
When ever you are about to fall

When something is wrong
You can run to me
Because right by your side
Is where I will always be

Don’t worry about me
I will get through
And I promise I will try my best
To find someone new

Even though I don’t want to
The only one I want is you
You’re the only one I want to hold tight
You’re the only one I want to fall asleep next to at night

I know that
If I ever lost you
This life
I would never make it through

Your in my heart so deep
That if I lost you
All I would do is weep
I would not know what to do

How would I make it through the day
Knowing you no longer cared
How could I make it through the day
Knowing that when I was sad you would not be there

How would I make it through the day
Knowing you no longer wanted to talk to me
How could I make it through the day
Knowing that even as friends me and you could not be

Even though it hurts
I will continue to lie
I will make it seem like everything is alright
Just please don’t look in my eyes

For my eyes hold the truth
They will show you that it is a lie and that something is wrong
They will show you
That I have loved you all along

So I will just continue
To love you secretly
And hope to god
You don’t see through me

* I know this is kinda long and its not my best work but its just how i feel about not being able to be with someone i love very much and i just had to get it out....Please comment or vote it would mean alot and i will be sure to return the favor*


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  • 20 years ago

    by jenn

    Great job. I really love all your work. Keep em' coming Great job.

  • 20 years ago

    by Tammi

    very good I love it for I am going through this right now with my best friend and it hurts very much God bless you.