Poem & My thoughts

by ~Kady~   Jan 5, 2005

I am a person of many talents
Talents that don't include poetry
But with much more practice i hope it augments
Maybe, like for most, it will just come to me

Poetry comes from in the heart
But doesn't it also come from imagination?
I honestly don't know where to start
Guess I will make this one a combination

This may sound a little weird
But can't poetry be weird too?
I love to write to get things cleared
My friends write, but there are very few

Isn't it funny how there may seem to be a lot who don't like to write?
Yet when you come to something like this
You see that practically the whole world is on the site
I mean look around...you find there are a lot of people named Chris!

I know I may sound crazy now
But its just that I am very excited
Two things are all my thoughts allow
And somehow I don't think you really minded

Someone very close to me has now come home
They have been gone for two week, yet it feels like a year
They felt so far away, like they had gone to Rome
But to think how close they were, it only brings a tear

Thanks for reading this very strange proem
To a world of untalented poetry
I want to write a better poem
In hopes it will have a better start you see

I am off to bed
It is getting late
And hope not to wed
A waiting fate

But before I go, I must say
That this fate is nothing more
Than the death while asleep, I pray
That it will not come over me..until I'm 104


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